November 8, 2011

cards cards cards

Hey everyone! So my father-inlaw asked me last night if I would be willing to make him 6 thank you cards for his volunteers at Sunrise Outreach and I gladly accepted...hoping that the kiddos would cooperate while I made them this week. Luckily my darling Ruby LOVES to do all things art! I pulled out my boxes of art supplies and went to town. She loved that she got to use all of my things like the stamps and stamp pad, glue sticks, tissue paper, etc. I make it a point to always try to include her in what I am doing, whether that be cooking, sewing, making cards, photographing, or even cleaning :) She has such an imagination while she is helping me and she always lights up when I include her in mommy tasks. I hope to one day have an art section set up in the house for her where she can access her supplies anytime rather than me pull out what she wants. I would love to see what she makes when no one is looking!

What kinds of crafts do you do with your wee ones?

1 comment:

  1. Your cards are absolutely beautiful- as they always are- and ruby's is pretty darn styling too- gotta love those polka dots- looks like she may have inherited her mom and dad's creative gene. Give her a big kiss for me!
